

Forget the styling norms. Quickly prototype your styles, effortlessly.

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⚡ forget.css is a dead simple, drop-in, and customizable css library. With a familiar syntax, forget.css is easy to learn no matter your styling skills.

Getting Started

Import in your HTML:

 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/forget.css@latest/dist/index.css" /> 

With npm:

npm i forget.css 
# import '../node_modules/forget.css/dist/index.css'
💥 Just like that, you've already got yourself some awesome styling.


Styles are added automatically to your most commonly used elements.

Don't like the styles of an element? Add the forget class to forget about it.

🚀 Wanna take it one step further? Try out some of the utility classes included with forget.css

Utility Classes

All utility classes follow a familiar naming scheme. A shorthand reference to the property, such as mb for margin-bottom, a hyphen, then a number 0 through 9 which represents the size in rem units. Essetially, a prefix and a suffix. The prefix states the property you want to target, and the suffix states the size or variable you're changing.

The values that 1-9 correspond with are

  1. 0.5rem
  2. 0.75rem
  3. 1rem
  4. 1.5rem
  5. 2rem
  6. 3rem
  7. 4rem
  8. 5rem
  9. 10rem

Certain utility classes have more than just 0-9, such as .m-auto which applies a margin of auto.

In addition, forget.css uses a base 10 system, meaning 1rem is equal to 10px.

Read more about the utility classes on their respective pages.